Shacman Off highway wide-body dump truck clutch failure troubleshooting method
The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal on the price of the product, and then you'll be able to get a good deal on the price of the product, and then you'll be able to get a good deal on the price of the product. shacman parts In the daily maintenance process, we often judge whether the clutch should be replaced by the following methods:
1. Vehicle travelling process, especially climbing the slope is weak.
2. Acceleration process, the vehicle speed can not be synchronised with the engine speed.
3. Pull the handbrake or step on the brake into 1st gear to start, the vehicle does not appear to stall.
4. There is a burning smell at the combination of engine and transmission.
Many clutch failure is mainly caused by the use of non-standard methods, shacman spare parts resulting in the clutch in the use of the process of frequent slippage, separation is not complete, noise, shivering and other fault phenomena. The following analysis of these four kinds of failure from the phenomenon, cause to check.