There are two neutral positions, move the lever left or right to select the range, the double H mechanism would shift the range from 1-8 to 9-16.
Gearbox have many Types: 16JSDX240TA,16JS240TA,C16JSDQXL250TA,16JSD240T,16JSDX200TA, 16JSD220TA,16JS240T,C16JSDQXL260TA,C16JSDQXL260T,C16JSDQXL220T,16JS200T,16JSD200TA,16JSD240TA,16JS168TA,16JS168T,16JSD220T,16JS200TA,16JS160TA,C16JSDQXL180T,C16JSDQXL180TA
Condition 1# When starting the vehicle, N to 1st gear, shacman gearbox the sequence is as follows:
The lever is now in the left neutral position and the air switch is in the low position. Step on the clutch, move the lever to 1st gear, release the clutch.
Condition 2# When shacman spare parts changing up from 1st to 2nd gear, the sequence is as follows:
Move the air switch on the lever from L to H, then push the clutch down, Shacman gear pattern then release the clutch. Now it is 2nd gear.
Condition 3# When changing from 2nd to 3rd, the sequence is as follows:
Move the air switch from H to L, then step on the clutch down, shacman gearbox then shift to 3rd gear, now it is 3rd gear.
Condition 4# When changing to the upper range, shacman truck parts such as from 8th to 9th, the sequence is as follows:
First move the air switch from H to L, second step the clutch down, move the lever from 4th to Neutral Left, slide it to the right to Neutral Right position, release the clutch. Third, step on the clutch again, move the lever to 9th gear, release the clutch. (Shacman spare parts)