Shacman Gearbox 12 Speed Fastshifting Manual

For all gear changes, use the clutch twice.  For example, first press the clutch down fully, then shift from first to neutral, release the clutch; second press the clutch down fully again, then shift from neutral to second.

When shacman parts shifting from low gear to high gear, for example from 6th to 7th, first shift the valve on lever from "L" to "H", then step on the clutch, move the gear to neutral, release the clutch, then step on the clutch again, move the gear to 7th. (Shacman Truck Parts)

Do not perform the gear-jumping operation in low and high range shifting, shacman spare parts catalogue such as from 5th to 7th or 8th to 6th gear, otherwise it will damage the deputy box synchroniser.
The deputy shacman gearbox will only shift to the selected range when the gear is in neutral.

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